2010 Chinese New Year has come to a close, and last night was the final big hoorah for New Years gambling....Chinese love to gamble, and that is a fact. This being the case, my buddy Ian had a few people over to his place for some good old fashioned games night...
I figured going over to Ian's for gambling meant Mah Jong or Pai Gow, but actually to my surprise the games started with Texas Hold'em, the Cadillac of poker..Its amazing to me how far the poker fever has come in the world. Needless to say, I love poker and it was a good time for me...It reminded me of Psi-U poker nights except there wasn't Chuck Dula writing faulty IOU's. Anyway, we started playing hold'em around 3pm and ended around 9pm, cause some people had to go home...pussies. But since the show must go on, we switched it up to a game better suited for four people..."Big Two" or for my fellow Seattlites "thirteens" was the game of choice.
I love me some 13's, and its so awesome that it is basically played in every Asian country. One of my favorite card games to play and bullshit around with friends...Since my days at Eckstein Middle School, I have grown up on this game. Boater squats, bombs, chops, and card slamming....hahaha I know some of you feel me on this.
The rules that are played in this part of Asia are little different from Seattle, but easy enough to pick up. Heres the link to the rules. What's awesome is that the winner gets paid out according the remaining number of cards in all the opponents hands. So shutting people down is a huge bonus! The "big two" session lasted well into the early morning....and I will brag and tell you all that I came out a winner. Represent the 206!!
All in all it was a great time drinking beer, playing cards, and talking guy stuff. Love it!
PS. If you want a translation of the title to this blog please hit up Davis Nguyen
5 years ago
Probably my favorite post so far. I love the Dula call-out, the 13's lingo, and the Davis Vietnamese call-out. Well done, sir. Well done.