Just got back from Jakarta, real cracking....off the wind chimes.....however, blog on the trip to come tomorrow cause I'm tired as shit.

I will share this....before the trip I picked up Superfreakonomics, cause it seemed like a good flight read, and I also enjoyed the first book. So far the book has been on point, and following in suit with the first. I love all the data these guys collect for all their research, and of course the spin they put on how to interpret the data. Some stellar stuff. I haven't finished the book so I can't quite give my full backing, but I guess worth the read.

I give you some info from the book that I thought was hi-lar-ious....

Indian women also run an outsize risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, including a high rate of HIV/AIDS. One cause is that Indian men's condoms malfunction more than 15 percent of the time. Why such a high fail rate? According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, some 60 percent of Indian men have penises too small for the condoms manufactured to fit World Health Organization specs. That was the conclusion of a two year study in which more than 1,000 Indian men had their penises measured and photographed by scientists. "The condom," declared one of the researchers, "is not optimized for India."

This of course is not funny because of the high risk of pregnancy, stds, and AIDS that Indian women face, but more so the cause...Now I ain't necessarily the big dogg, but too small that the condom falls off?!?!? bwaaahahahaha...Amazing. Lucky they have arranged marriages in India....
To be honest this one shocked me for two reasons.
1) Indian men hold hands when they walk the streets. Now in my opinion this can only be done if you are either gay OR are super comfortable with your sexuality due in part to your large penis....
2) Its wrong to think, but going on color I thought Indians would fall more in line with blacks...you know, the one stereotype that black males are happy to assume... 2 theories failed...so I guess India is in Asia after all

If you have any Indian homies, give them some shit. And at the same time be a little less critical of your Chinese homies, cause apparently there is a new kid on the block to be picked on. Ladies, if there are any female readers, maybe you can make all the guys happy by assuring with a comment that size does not matter...

Anyway, thought I would give a little shout so people don't think I have forgot about the blog...I'm out...

Monday, April 5, 2010 Posted in | | 2 Comments »

One Responses to "Pre Funk"

  1. Anonymous

    Dawg what if you and I held hands... and haven't you noticed grips of dudes in China hold each other's hands? I guess it's better than all the Italians trying to kiss up on your shit. Motherfucker, cool it's your culture, but motherfuker the Greeks liked little boys also... Look, I like to be cultured, but I draw the line at a few places...

    Speaking of AIDS, rather HIV, South Park and Magic Johnson found a cure... roll around your bed in tons of money son.


  1. Rob says:

    Super comfortable with your sexuality due in part to your large penis...

    Killed me. Nice knowledge tip

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