So in an attempt to fulfill my resolution to get fit, I have signed up to do the annual Kapas Marang Swimathon in Malaysia....for those who don't remember or just didn't care I swam this 6.5km open water bad boy back in 2009. Unfortunately I missed last year due to the economic crisis, but its back on and I'm pumped to claim another finishers medal!
The swim is scheduled for April 24th so I have just enough time to get into form for the event, but this means swimming at least 3 times a week. Seems like the perfect solution to get that extra layer off the belly. Plus those hours training in the pool are perfect for getting into a great relaxed state of zen......ooohhhhmmmmmmmm....
If anyone is interested to join I highly recommend the event. 2 days of relaxed chilling on one of the more beautiful beaches in Malaysia just soaking up the sun. Then save some money by not having to pay for the ferry ride back to the mainland. Plus its a bad ass swim you can brag about. To put it into 206 language, a 6.5km swim is like from Warren G. Magnuson Park over to Heritage Park in Kirkland and then back....Holler at me people!
5 years ago
Sweet, I get to do some swimming next week witcha, Holla.