During our trip to Malaysia and Thailand the big homie An-Pan Man had the brilliant idea that he would go on a diet during vacation....I clowned him the whole time for being a homo as its wasnt really the best timing to go on a girly diet, but Brando actually stayed true to it and seemed to have lost some pretty good poundage...
Which got me thinking. If the laziest man I know (possibly in the world) can get off his ass and lose weight then I need to step my game up. So in following Brando I picked up the book, The 4hr Body by Tim Ferriss, and have been trying to follow this Slow-Carb diet to get that slim and trim body. My expectations are to drop about 20lbs, but secretly I am hoping to ride this bitch out until I got a six pack....imagine Big Kento with a sixpack, I know, I cant either....but its worth a try. Cmon, if Brando can lose weight, I definitely have a shot.
So for the next few months I will be on a strict diet of Legumes (Davis, that means beans), Veges, and some meat. However, the super dope thing is that once a week I have a free day to go buck wild on some Carbs...holla. Those free days are gonna be like pasta, pizza, and sandwich orgys with milkshake massages in between. Mmmm cant wait.
peep game...
Feb. 6, 2011: Digital Bento Before Photo
Feb. 12, 2011: Example of my healthy breakfasts (Spinach Egg Scramble, Natto or Fermented Soy Beans, and Tofu) cant get more Half Jap then that
Thats what its about these days....PEACE!
5 years ago
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