Oh what a weekend...gambling, hoops, football, and BBQ!!! What more to ask for?
1. Always bet on Red
The homies and I took a little midnight run to the newly opened Resorts World Casino here in Singapore. As of this year Singapore will open 2 new huge Casinos to try and cash in on the success that Macau has seen since opening up their casinos...and Resorts World has been the first to open. Of course I love casinos, but what actually interested me about my recent experience at Resorts World is the Chinese culture and gambling.
Luck and gambling is such a huge thing in the Chinese culture. I know that gambling has a lot to do with luck, but in Chinese culture, luck can be influenced or manipulated to benefit your earnings...or so the they think. I mean everyone here is gambling with their lucky colors, lucky numbers, and lucky charms. Feng Shui is also a key factor, the location of the table or the direction of the Air-con breeze will effect how some of these people will decide their bets. To even mention something like odds and strategy is plain absurd. And while you are engulfed in this atmosphere you can only start to believe a little....
Its pretty nuts, but at the same time I feel the Chinese here up the level of excitement at the Casino. Singapore has replaced the mustached, mullet cut, nascar shirt wearing hick so common to Vegas with the big talking, gold wearing, long pinky nail China man...which in my opinion is way tighter then the white trash of Vegas...way tighter
A couple situations I found awesome
In the game of Baccarat, "player" and "bank" are given 2 cards each. Adding the value of the cards, the person with the higher value wins, 9 being the highest(10 and faces = 0). So before the cards are dealt out all people need to bet on if "player" or "bank" will have the higher hand, or a draw. Then the cards are dealt to the designated "player" and "bank" of that round, which is shifted every round.
Hopefully that wasnt too confusing...so now to the good part. Since the cards a dealt face down, it is the designated "player" and "bank" role to flip them over...However, this isnt done in any normal way. Its starts with a mean ass stare down, then hard core pressing and rubbing of the cards as if to change them, and finally a slow bending of the the card edges to catch a glimpse before flipping them over for the table to see...its awesome to watch and can be quite suspenseful...here in Asia baccarat is the true high-roller game.
Next excitement was at the Blackjack table. Of course I assume most of you know the game so I will not explain the rules. The great thing that happens hear is when the Dealer is in a position to bust, everybody will start to yell, "picture!!!" I guess the face cards (K,Q,and J) are the pictures because of the portraits on the cards...anyway it took me some time to figure it out since the China mans engrish is not so great. Sounds more like "Pick Chah!!!" (If you need an idea on how it sounds maybe can ask Davis' mom to yell "picture" for you) Of course its a great feeling when the whole table is yelling this and the dealer ends up busting...man, the table erupts into huge cheers.
Sorry for the wack explanations, I guess its a you had to be there kind of moment. But whatever...I had a good time and thats what I am trying to say...PS I won cheese!!!
Some tips I found on the net...full article
These are some superstitions that are very common among Chinese people:
1. Don't count money during a gambling session.
2. Stay away from sex and females (for men)
3. Avoid seeing monks or nuns before going to a casino.
4. Wear red underwear when gambling.
5. Do not touch someone's shoulder while he is gambling.
6. Females are more likely to win during their period.
7. Don't check into hotels with bad numbers like 4 or 14.
8. Don't enter casinos through their main entrance for it is cursed.
9. Switch on all the lights at home before going out to gamble.
Good Luck!!!
2. Look at the pretty Pony...
I told you it was a gambling weekend. So following in my success at the Casino, Sunday I made it out to the horse tracks. One of my colleagues has the hook-up at the track for free skybox entrance, which also includes buffet!! can you say "baallllerr!!"....
The track here in Singapore is called the Singapore Turf Club, and its pretty damn legit. Not my first time to the races and today confirmed my appreciation for the sport. Maybe I am just a degenerate gambler, but horse racing can be so exciting...cheering on your horse as it comes surging to the front of the pack down the home stretch is an amazing feeling. And it doesnt hurt when you can win some money too...unfortunately my luck ended at the tracks, but for the fun I had, the money lost was worth it.
3. Mid-Major?Ahhhh yes....The UW Dawgs are in the Sweet 16 in the NCAA tourney. The Dawgs are on super gel mode right now. Everything is working out for us. The D is hot, the fast breaks clicking, and the role players playing them roles...We couldnt have picked a better time to be peaking. Our next matchup is this Thursday against WVU, but I am not scared about what team we play as longs as we continue as we have been. All the pain felt during the early-mid season has become well worth it....lets pray for continued success....
Can I just say, "I love this team"...Q-Pon, IT, MBA, Game Overton, Turner, Holiday and the rest of the pack....how can you hate?
Whose HOUSE!!!!!
4. We BBQing Chicken, thats we doing...
A perfect weekend needs a good meat grilling session with the boys...and thats exactly what went down at the homie Ben's house. Fire, Beef, and Beer. Thats all you need. Around the grill is a great place to kick back and bullshit about whatever is on your mind. It was perfect for me to shake off any stresses left over from the hard work week. Mans Therapy. Even better is that after the BBQ session we turned it into poker night. I guess Poker is like bacon, add it to anything and make it better....Upgrade!!!
5. Bloodypool
And to top it all off, my Team brought back the glory with a good win over long time rival Liverpool. Its not the sweetest victory since it seems anybody could take on Liverpool these days (bye bye Benitez), but a win over Pool feels good any day.
6. My Fantasy
While watching the glorious Man U match at my favorite sports bar, I also had my draft for Fantasy Baseball. Bars with free wi-fi definitely know whats up....anyway this year we did the draft auction style, which was a new change for me. I think it was the others first time, cause the bidding was real ridiculous in the beginning. With a 300 point budget, Pujols went for like 70points. So with all the majors getting scooped I had to deal in that mid-major.
Heres my squad
C - Kurt Suzuki
1B - Ryan Howard
2B - Aaron Hill
3B - Ryan Zimmerman
SS - Troy Tulowitzki
OF - Nelson Cruz
OF - Carlos Lee
OF - Raul Ibanez
SP - Tim Lincecum
SP - Johan Santana
SP - Roy Oswalt
RP - Jonathan Broxton
RP - Brian Fuentes
P - Carlos Zambrano
P - A.J. Burnett
Now Im not the most baller fantasist, but I think my team has got potential. Your feedback is highly appreciated.
PS...This blog was written last weekend so some things are a little dated....ie The Dawgs have been knocked out the tourney, but they made a good run. Bow Down.
Also I have been real sluff with the blog of recent...I apologize and will get back on the horse and ride it tough!
Thanks for following.
1. Pure Passion
The Brackets are out, the NCAA tournament has started, and we are a couple of days away from the UW Marquette matchup. Super excited, but another one of those situations where nobody in my office or country for that matter could give a damn about US college hoops. Another "I miss home" moment... So if any of you got some brackets going, let me in playa....Dawgs all the way!!!
Also, a big fat "fuck you" to Joe Lunardi for showing the dawgs no love in his picks....
2. Prost!
In exciting news across the globe, my team Stuttgart are playing the final leg of their Champions League matchup. If you guys dont remember, Stuttgart drew against Barcelona in their last match...which is amazing at that....However, with the next game being played @ Camp Nou, the chances of Stuttgart moving on to the next round is next to nill...but I still root for my German "chickens* and hope they get lucky.
So German lesson number 2: Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei
3. Tiger's Wood
Is anybody else excited for the return of Tiger?!? No matter what he does off the course he is still my favorite golfer and pure pimp on the links....I guess off the links as well. To me the whole scandal was stoopid, Tigers only real mistake was to get married. 30yr old billionaire professional sports star...all the right reasons to stay single in my opinion. Anyway I will be rooting for him to shut up all the critics....Get yours Tiger...the fans and sponsors will jump back on your nuts once you slip on that green jacket again.
4. Pinoy Panda
My real big homie Leonceo aka The Penning Panda aka The OHP Kid aka Chief is back at his blog (link on the side)...and is writing with fury right now. Seriously doing two a days like its pre-season Texas high school football. Check him out yo, the writing is good and the topics are always interesting. But dont turn trick and switch over to just reading his blog. I would cry >.<
I'm out! -.- v
Great game against Stanford today.....The Dawgs D was strong and fast, which made me real happy. Only point of concern was our offense in the first 20minutes. I guess the team was just a little too amped. I hope thats gone now, cause we cant afford a first half effort like that against Cal. However, the poor offensive display in the first half was soon forgotten with all the jigtastic dunks going on the 2nd half. Great show, bravo!
So big game tomorrow to take the PAC-10 tourney, and the chance to really secure a spot in the NCAA tournament. I get to watch the game cause I found a new site, www.justin.tv ... I am so happy -- where has this site been? or where have I been? I felt like an internet noob for not being in the know. Anyway its here and Im happy watching our dawgs do their thing.
Dawgs House!!!
PS...pumped for the Pac-man - Clottey fight. Pinoy Pride!
Another busy week.....so time for some updates.
1. Sorry BecksManchester United straight crushed AC Milan in their 2nd matchup in the Champions League...meaning Man U will continue on to the next round. For those of you out there counting that means Man-U humiliated the Italian powerhouse 7-2 aggregate in the first knock-out stage...and with Real Madrid also getting knocked out, the chances for the Red Devils to take it all is looking good. Plus it doesnt hurt that Wayne Rooney aka Golem is on a mad goal scoring frenzy. Getting so clinical with it...
PS...Look out for Manchester to crush Liverpool come Mar. 21st
2. Forgive me Dawgfather
The dawgs are grinding it tough right now to try and earn a spot in the NCAA tourney. Pac-10 action starts tomorrow against OSU...definitely gonna spank some beaver from the backside....dawgystyle! Look out for Q-Pon to come thru real jigerish with some nasty dunks. Tatted and ballin in the 206...real strong right now. B-r-a-cket-ology....but logically be learning these hoes biology, obviously, well....hmm Do or Die, ironic
3. Mac Relief
WacBook update: had my broke ass WacBook checked out by an aftermarket repair shop, and was quoted 400 for the LCD replacement. Still pretty steep of a price, but compared to the original 1700 that The *rotten* Apple store quoted, it sounded damn cheap. Gonna be good to have my baby back though....
"We born to fuckin die. In the meantime get money! Fuck a macbook!" - Kappa 00'
4. Oscar Bootleg
Picked up that Hurt Locker on dvd the other day....gotta love the Asian DVD connection out here...Anyway, I was interested to see what all the hype was about, and why my Navi speaking blue peeps didnt take down the Oscar for best pic. I admit Hurt Locker was pretty good, but cmon, sex in a majestic jungle while whispering sweet nothings like, "I see you" was some amazing shit. Hello!?! do I even need mention the glorious acronym, 3D!!!
5. Sluffles McGhee
The race to Phuket training has taken a beating these days...general laziness have kept me out the game for the last 2 weeks, but at least I have been hitting the gym working on those bahh-ceps yo. Planning to hit it hard next week (famous words of the lazy man) Run Kento Run Kento Run!!!! Please cheer me on. Still looking for people to come out to Thailand, any takers??
6. Done and Done
Vote for Andrew Garcia...American Idol.
-and I'm out
Super heated right now, and just want to vent...
Bascially my macbook LCD screen up and went busto the other day....total blue screen. Great, at least Macs are cheap...
So I did a little diagnostics by hooking it up to an external monitor, which showed no problems so I guess its not the video card. Went to get a quote from the Mac Store for repair....my warranty expired like 2 months ago....sweet. So first they charge me 120 bucks just to check the damn thing, only to tell me the LCD screen was shot...obviously dip shit. Apple store suggestions is to replace the whole LCD, and the price of replacement?? 1,700 singapore dollars (1200usd)!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!!? Might as well just buy a new MacBook....Even worse is the dumb bia bia who called to explain the situation obvi knew jack shit about computers, so frustrating. For all I know it could be some loose wires, but apparently total replacement is the only option....Apple has pissed me off real good about this one.
Any mac pros out there? Suggestions? I guess I will see what a non-Apple Store repair quote is....or Youtube that shit and learn how to fix macbooks so I can charge people 1700 dollars so they can get back to watching their internet porn in HD....
serious FML moment...
Another installment of the local Singapore flavor....that drunken late night steez...
Ending a drunken night with something to eat is more natural then taking a piss in the morning....Getting that bite to eat is the sign of a good night, and not remembering the food is a great night. We are all guilty of late-night snacking, and everyone has their favorite food/place for the late night munchies...
In my Seattle days we had a few regular places....Dick's, The Gyrocery, Beth's, and the old reliable Jack in the Crack...All fail proof. In traveling around I have also come across some amazing food that you would swear was created just for drunken occasions....Germany has the Doner Kebab, Japan has Ramen, and Hong Kong has dim sum...just to name a few....
Here in Singapore, late night food is abundant, but my personal favorite is Roti Prata... Basically prata is a fried dough pancake served with some curry. I guess its pretty similar to naan, but better....hmmmhmmm... What's great about the prata is that you can add fillers to be cooked inside the dough...my personal favorite is the Cheese, Mushroom, and Egg combo. How could that mix not be bomb. Originally an Indian dish, prata has become a signature dish in Singapore, and I couldn't be happier ending the night with some real deal Singapore Prata.
I have a spot close to my house that pretty much is the automatic stop on my way back from the clubs, bars, and pubs....The Roti Prata House..The place is dirty, the service is horrible, and the food is greasy.. plus its open 24hrs. Has all the makings of a great late night spot. Been there countless times, and most I don't remember...but you always know when you've been to the Prata House cause your gear from the night before has that slight smell of curry.
And its confirmed good cause I have been there during the day...sober. Jesus (my homie, not the savior) and Robert can testify to the bombness of prata....If I introduce, I also treat. So if you are ever in Singapore, prata on me!
Sorry, been a little busy at work this week.....corporate bullshit causing some major stresses on my mind, and also no motivation to blog....I tell you, I tell you, if you ever need a powerpoint expert holler at me, Bosch is the training ground for ppt. Ridiculous...
I assume its the stress multiplied by my growing hunger to move back in the good ol' U S of A....but Im seriously considering an impromptu vacation back to Seattle. I need to breathe, feel, and live the 206....that is a fact. Another fact is that a quick trip down to AZ to see my boys Brando and Roberto would be in order. Plus how can you argue with Mariners Spring training?!?!
Basically what I am trying to say is I miss the homies...I miss my family....and I miss being an American!!
If you feel me, please give me a shout. Got some serious expatriate blues going on right now.