Super heated right now, and just want to vent...
Bascially my macbook LCD screen up and went busto the other blue screen. Great, at least Macs are cheap...
So I did a little diagnostics by hooking it up to an external monitor, which showed no problems so I guess its not the video card. Went to get a quote from the Mac Store for warranty expired like 2 months ago....sweet. So first they charge me 120 bucks just to check the damn thing, only to tell me the LCD screen was shot...obviously dip shit. Apple store suggestions is to replace the whole LCD, and the price of replacement?? 1,700 singapore dollars (1200usd)!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!!? Might as well just buy a new MacBook....Even worse is the dumb bia bia who called to explain the situation obvi knew jack shit about computers, so frustrating. For all I know it could be some loose wires, but apparently total replacement is the only option....Apple has pissed me off real good about this one.
Any mac pros out there? Suggestions? I guess I will see what a non-Apple Store repair quote is....or Youtube that shit and learn how to fix macbooks so I can charge people 1700 dollars so they can get back to watching their internet porn in HD....
serious FML moment...
5 years ago
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