Another busy time for some updates.
1. Sorry BecksManchester United straight crushed AC Milan in their 2nd matchup in the Champions League...meaning Man U will continue on to the next round. For those of you out there counting that means Man-U humiliated the Italian powerhouse 7-2 aggregate in the first knock-out stage...and with Real Madrid also getting knocked out, the chances for the Red Devils to take it all is looking good. Plus it doesnt hurt that Wayne Rooney aka Golem is on a mad goal scoring frenzy. Getting so clinical with it...
PS...Look out for Manchester to crush Liverpool come Mar. 21st
2. Forgive me Dawgfather
The dawgs are grinding it tough right now to try and earn a spot in the NCAA tourney. Pac-10 action starts tomorrow against OSU...definitely gonna spank some beaver from the backside....dawgystyle! Look out for Q-Pon to come thru real jigerish with some nasty dunks. Tatted and ballin in the 206...real strong right now. B-r-a-cket-ology....but logically be learning these hoes biology, obviously, well....hmm Do or Die, ironic
3. Mac Relief
WacBook update: had my broke ass WacBook checked out by an aftermarket repair shop, and was quoted 400 for the LCD replacement. Still pretty steep of a price, but compared to the original 1700 that The *rotten* Apple store quoted, it sounded damn cheap. Gonna be good to have my baby back though....
"We born to fuckin die. In the meantime get money! Fuck a macbook!" - Kappa 00'
4. Oscar Bootleg
Picked up that Hurt Locker on dvd the other day....gotta love the Asian DVD connection out here...Anyway, I was interested to see what all the hype was about, and why my Navi speaking blue peeps didnt take down the Oscar for best pic. I admit Hurt Locker was pretty good, but cmon, sex in a majestic jungle while whispering sweet nothings like, "I see you" was some amazing shit. Hello!?! do I even need mention the glorious acronym, 3D!!!
5. Sluffles McGhee
The race to Phuket training has taken a beating these days...general laziness have kept me out the game for the last 2 weeks, but at least I have been hitting the gym working on those bahh-ceps yo. Planning to hit it hard next week (famous words of the lazy man) Run Kento Run Kento Run!!!! Please cheer me on. Still looking for people to come out to Thailand, any takers??
6. Done and Done
Vote for Andrew Garcia...American Idol.
-and I'm out
5 years ago
I like comments people....