American Idol is back! And this year has hella talent! Seems like there is quite a few out of the top 24 that could straight away have record deals....who's your pick??? I dont think shes gonna win, but my votes and support are going to little miss Thia Megia....for 3 simple reasons; cute, 15, and Filipina. Sometimes my Japanese nature cannot be helped.
In other news, a new addition to the Singapore scene has arrived this week. A man by the name of Adam Weimer...seems to be pretty legit. At this point I can say he is "half Jew-half amazing." Seems that a lot of good times are going to be had in Singapore.
Though the UW Husky basketball program is pissing me off right now, I will give some props to Brockman and QPON for throwing down and getting notice on that ESPN steeze....Pride (i am going to be sooo pissed if UW doesnt turn this bullshit around and win the PAC-10 tourney)
And of course I had post a little bit of that Charlie many great quotes in 3 minute span! So winning...
5 years ago
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