I assume most by now have heard about the Earthquake and Tsunami that has rocked northern Japan all the way down to the Tokyo region...It was the largest recorded earthquake in Japanese history, and the extent of the deaths and damage is still unknown. I am praying for all of those effected by the huge quake.
I have been getting a lot of messages and calls from friends around the world that were concerned about me and my family in Japan. I would like to say thank you all for the immediate voices of care and concern. Luckily I can report that all family and friends are accounted for and safe. Besides some structural damage to my Uncles house in Tokyo things have calmed down for my family members....now its just getting through the small tremors that are still shaking Japan, and dealing with the aftermath of fear.
All the footage coming out of Japan is just unreal...so scary. Again my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this massive natural disaster...
5 years ago
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