Congrats to the UW Mens basketball program for coming thru and winning the PAC-10 tourney and securing them a spot in the NCAA big dance. Such an amazing past 3 games of basketball. Dawgs always pick the good time to get hot and come through in the clutch. Big props to our 2 rookie starters and obviously IT for playing his heart out in pretty much every minute of every game in the tournament...Lil Zeke showed his leadership and ability to gel the team together, which was evident in the fact that the close games were going in our favor unlike previous losses during the regular season.
When IT did his cross-over to fade away jump shot I knew it was feeling ever. I present the last 3min of regulation when we started hitting tre-balls and OT..enjoy
Back to Back Pac...bring on Georgia!
Also I cant stop watching and going through the footage of the Japan earthquake. Below is a link that shows a before after of some of the jacked up areas...really tough to imagine even being in anything close to that situation. If you all can, I strongly urge you to donate a little coin..
Earthquake zone
5 years ago
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