Its confirmed...Im running a marathon in June..ok a 1/2 marathon cause Im not so sure about the other half, but point is Im running. Kind of falls in line with the whole New Years resolution to drop pounds and look like a juiced out Guido in 2010. And the deal-breaker is that the marathon is held in Phuket, Thailand. Hollllaaa!!!! So I guess the second half of the marathon is the "Night" portion. Always a happy ending in Thailand, believe that.
I am also officially calling out to any homies...if you wanna run, and get your party on in Thailand come June 13th, get at me!!! Fuck, its not even a requirement to run....just come kick it. It will be a blast for sure. And Evangelos, young dudes is hella cheap in Thailand ;) Think about it....
This also means I will be giving random updates on the training and progress to hit 21km. If there is some tips for getting into shape that you wanna share...Im open to anything except eating baby fetus.
Thailand in sweet. Think about it yall
5 years ago
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